Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kim Kardashian= NOT pretty

So here is Kim Kardashian arriving makeup free to a photo shoot on July 9th...... Now I ask you this.... Is this REALLY what America finds SOOOO attractive?!

I'm not going to lie. I've never found the girl attractive. The ass frightens me. I think it's self preservation. I'm worried it might cause a solar eclipse. Then the flab.... some call it boobs but it also comes along with bingo wings, belly and back fat and that just makes me feel ill. I'm not denying that she looks nice when all the wobbly bits are all wedged into shape wear, when she's rocking a face full of makeup, a head full of hair extensions, six inch heels and a body con dress (usually ALL at mid-day) BUT I argue that this is not a naturally beautiful girl.... or really a beautiful girl at all.

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