Thursday, March 24, 2011

First post

So today is my first post! I'm pretty excited because this is also my first blog. I know hard to believe 23 and a blog virgin!

So you may ask what prompted this decision to swipe my b card?! Well I've been ill for the last couple of weeks, a personal atrocity which has culminated in me losing my voice. I just didn't seem right to deprive people of my all important thought so I thought what better way to express them than via a blog! I've been thinking of starting one for awhile but this sudden voice loss was the impetus I needed to get on with it.

I can already hear your next logical question forming (and if this is not your next question then find a new blog to follow as obvs you are not acquainted with the 4ws of journalism and you are therefore too poorly educated to enjoy my musings): what can you expect to read upon on these illustrious pages. Well wait with baited breathe no more as I have helpfully provided a list below:

- my unbridled opinions on a cross section of subjects and my musings on the correct way to do things and what's really important in life: manners, dogs, clothes, shoes and purses (in no particular order)

- rants about Toronto weather, the transportation system, the all too frequent road works and poor drivers (there may even be some naming and shaming).

- tales of good deeds witnessed around the world (I feel that these deserve greater coverage)

- tales from my life as a PA extraordinaire to two of the world's kindest, most generous and somewhat eccentric bosses (we'll call them G and T)

- a likely discussion of my current quarter life crisis: whether I should article in Vancouver in September and embark on a life as a baby barista (I am referring to life as a barrister, not working in Starbucks- if you even considered that I would entertain the latter again..... exit stage left) or continue down the PA road towards something in the fashion industry.

So now that I've given you a skeleton outline of not only this blog but in essence ME! I feel like I should tell you a little more about myself. My name is Kate (short for Kathryn not Catherine, so no you have not happily stumbled across the blog of the future Queen of England masquerading as a Toronto PA). I completed a law degree in England and a masters of law in Canada and I am currently working as a personal assistant (it may read Associate on my business cards but lets be honest I do pick up dry cleaning and shlep Patron so I'm under no illusions as to the reality of my position) before I move to Vancouver and embark on life as a articling student (ie. indentured servitude a la 2000s). I'm brunette, haughty, slightly pretentious (with and within reason), a dog lover (what true sloane is not), a self confessed fashion addict (purses and dresses being my biggest weakness) and eternally single (think Bridget Jones in a sample size).

Alright well this, I think, is enough for now. I'm going to go nap and perhaps return later.

Love and kisses xx

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