Sunday, March 27, 2011

New blog obsession!

So I saw this photo featured on a blog on tumblr and I knew I just HAD to find the original blog it was taken from.

The blog is called 'The Blonde Salad' and the stunnner is blogger/ fashionista/ student (and let's be real here model...) Chiara from Milan (which I have to say I found surprising as her style is much more preppy than southern European- but I suppose you never know!).

Mulberry + Stubbs and Wooton= Preppy 

Basically what I adore about the photo is the Mulberry bag (we all know I'm a fan) and the Stubbs and Wooton slippers. I am having a bit of a love affair at the moment with their monogrammed slippers and plan on ordering a pair in purple this week... lets just say whatever doubts I had about rocking them this summer have officially been decimated by this preppy confection of a photo. LOVE IT... although I have to say I'd prefer a plain white jean (I'm thinking MiH rather than a ripped jean... I feel like the rips date the look slightly, a bit 90s).

Anyways check out her blog here for more sensational style snaps...

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