Saturday, September 24, 2011

How I feel: big breasted and large

Alright! First off MASSIVE apologies for going MIA for the last two months. I know I moved to England and became USELESS. It all ends now though, I promise.

Well you may ask. What have I been up to since I cyber stranded my site? Well I've but on about 8 pounds..... Apparently discovering you have an addiction to mass amount of mayonnaise on thick cut chips will do that to you..... Also a renewed love of vodka, hummus, goats cheese on crisps with fresh avocado and wine..... 

I have also gained, lost and then gained a boyfriend (a drummer and then a trader- got to mix it up). I also gained and then lost a job (- working at Chanel.... apparently not that fun). So here I am two months later basically where I was before, plus the weight and the boyfriend... and some sweet vintage movie posters on my wall (lest I forget those). OH! I lie. I am also now the proud owner of ombre hair.... judge at your leisure.

But I promise there will be some more regular updates coming as well as some requisite bitchyness. 

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