Monday, February 13, 2012

Been awhile!

Alright guys so it's been awhile, eh! I have to admit that I didn't realize quite how long it had been but I suppose between the holidays, my recent move and the poor internet in Lagos this have been a bit slow..... alright VERY slow.

Anyways the good news is that I have a new job and, even better, that this job consumes very little of my day- which means, that I am at a desk- with decent internet (even if the computer is total rubbish)- for almost all of the day with nothing (and I mean nothing) to do.

Hence I am going to make a concerted effort to blog more and not just about fashion. Fashion OBVIOUSLY will remain a huge part of the blog but I am hoping that it will evolve into something with a bit more (dare I say) substance.

As many of you will know I am now living in Lagos, Nigeria- yes that's right not the Lagos in Spain (perhaps you can now have a bit more sympathy for the lack of internet situation- and I would like to talk a little more about that in this blog. I guess I want this blog to continue to reflect what's important to me and that's now more than clothes. Now don't fret! This isn't going to become some kind of overly do goodery manifesto but rather instead of ranting about the size of Lauren Goodger's waist there may be a rant about traffic, about the fact the generator went out and I had no power for (FOUR!) hours last night (keep in mind how hot Lagos is, please and thank you) and generally things I observe. It won't be a huge change (see the next post) but I hope you will continue to enjoy this blog nonetheless!

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