Monday, February 20, 2012

Peony Lim is riding high

Some of you may remember that I used to be a HUGE fan of Peony Lim's blog.... WELL I just wanted to remind you all that I still am.

If you haven't checked it out please do- here. She has TOTALLY taken off since I started following her. In fact, when I started following her it was her and her two friends essentially blogging about what they wore on their way to class and while they sat outside London Fashion Week. Now Peony is blogging about what she is wearing to London Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week and trips around the world and selling clothes from her site. Pretty impressive in less than a year!

I do have to say I miss the old blog slightly, there used to be a nice mix of fashion and every day shots. Now she is a bit too high fashion. I struggle to imagine that the Kardashians dress the way they do ALL the time and I feel the same way about Peony. I wish bloggers and celebrities would get it though their heads that as much fun as it is seeing them dressed to the 9s it would actually be as nice to see them on their way to the gym, walking the dog, popping out for the paper. As, as much as we would like to emulate their red carpet worthy get ups- most of us (particularly those of us living in Lagos) don't have the opportunity (let alone the means) to recreate these looks. 

Despite that, and despite how completely impractical this outfit is for ANYWHERE (white Charlotte Olympia platforms anyone.....) I am still a big fan.

..... also, on a completely different note, does she not have THE most amazing hair?!

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