Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sean Penn brand Britain 'colonialist, ludicrous and archaic'.... I brand Sean Penn a complete twat.

Yesterday Sean Penn met with Argentinean President Cristina Kircher where he branding Britain as 'colonialist, ludicrous and archaic' for refusing to hand over the Falkland Islands to Argentina.

Now I'm not going to voice an opinion on the issue- other than that I wonder why Sean Penn felt the need to express his, why he felt the need to express it so vehemently and why he feels at all qualified to even publicly give an opinion on the issue. The only opinion I would put forward is that I take this as clear and unqualified evidence of a perspective I have for sometime held- that Sean Penn is an unmitigated tosser. 

Also.... how unbelievably douchey does he look with that mustache?!?!?!

I also feel that this is proof that Scarlett Johansson is likely as annoying, if not more annoying, (although that is hard to imagine as I hate her with the power of a thousand suns), then I have always imagined her- as she dated him...... Again, the fact that she left Ryan Reynolds.... at all/ potentially for Sean Penn just upsets me greatly.

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