Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A dark, dark day

So today I arrived at work with big ambitions and a lot of drive. Specifically, I had planned on some serious blogging, accompanied of course by some major internet based research. You might weep at my apparent lack of work ethic; however, if you realized the currently mindless nature of my job I assure you you would greet these news with nothing but applause. However, much to my chagrin within two seconds of sitting down at my desk I realized that facebook, bbc news and the dailymail had all been disabled on my computer. I would be in mourning for my soul were it not for the fact that gumtree and the Canadian paper 'The National Post' were also disabled. Clearly our IT guy would not consider to block 'The National Post'.... unless he's an evil genius plotting for a swift death for me through painful and unending boredom. Quite possible considering my luck at the moment. So as I am currently wallowing in a lack of visual browser stimulation I thought I would take some time to catch you guys up on what's going on.

Firstly, apologies for my looooooong silence. I appreciate that for many of you this would carry more weight were it not one of many. However, I assure you that between the shoddy internet in Nigeria, admitted laziness and a short lived but intense dedication to the ex pat 'wifestyle' (aka. some serious drinking) this blog was sorely ignored. I apologize again for that and promise to post some Nigerian photos and perhaps some e-mail excerpts for any of you interested. I realize it's not my usual blog fodder but it really is a remarkable country and the fashion is pretty darn cool, if I do say so myself (although admittedly the elements I have adopted make me look every so slightly gap year tragedy esque). 

Secondly, for any of you who enjoy not just looking at the pictures but reading this blog you will know that you've followed me though a septo- rhinoplasty, botox and a cross continent move. In the coming weeks you will also be following me though a weight loss experiment as I try to return to my pre- boyfriend (banging, if I do say so myself) figure. This goal will hopefully be accomplished by an essentially soup based diet (also good for the bank balance) and some serious squash playing and general exercise, a week long no drinking detox (it would have been 13 days but I have this ball on Saturday and I will be damned if I will put myself through reeling without some serious fortification- not that I take issue with reeling.... just with Canadians trying to do it. I'm not realllllly Scottish and I will never be, it's just weird) and then the cold/ flu I have currently been suffering from ( doing wonders for the figure). 

Thirdly, as I mentioned previously I am going to try and incorporate more photos of landscapes etc. in this blog as I've gotten quite into my camera so that might be nice. Particularly as I'm off to Holland for Christmas and New Year so hopefully I will take some more nice ones!

Finally, I've started a new job. Working at a recruitment firm. I will have some quite good stories to tell I assure you. For now I will leave it at this.... If Fawlty Towers was a recruitment firm it would be my firm. 

That's enough for now but more to follow x

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