Monday, December 19, 2011

Redundancy and Kate

So today was a bit of a shitter. It started off with my boyfriend leaving until Wednesday which was sad (but at lease he will be back soon) and which quickly followed by me getting made redundant (apparently my evil- and unsurprisingly- French bosses' idea of an early Christmas present) followed by much application writing and work on my essay (something which has been hanging over my head for a good 12 months now and driving me slightly mad, the position of women in the boardroom has actually managed to become more boring than it started) which was then followed by a massive migraine (courtesy of my own stupidity, having put the wrong contacts in this morning. 

Luckily the day has culminated in the attendance of Kate at the Bravery event looking stunning. A small cherry on my icecream sunday of shit. Woot..... woot.....

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