Saturday, December 3, 2011

I need to do some serious work on the bod

Alright so since I spoke to you all last (sorry I know it's been awhile) I have put on some weight.... well to be honest I'm not sure if I put it on over the last five weeks or just finally accepted the fact that I'd put it on PRIOR to the last five weeks over the last five weeks but that's moot. The bottom line is that I need to put some work into my bod, specifically my stomach and arms and just generally tone this shit up. 

Here are some pictures I am using to inspire myself/ move me to tears (I also REALLY want a pair of Charlotte Olympia shoes..... I just want her to do some in leather. I just CANNOT justify spending that much money on silk shoes.... have you met me?!/ I definitely bailed on my ass twice last night and have the bruised elbows and knees to prove it.) 

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