Monday, December 5, 2011

J-(non) Woww

Alright so I'm going to go out on a limb here and publicly admit that I think Jenni was looking prettttty sexy for awhile there. During the season in Florence here bod was pretty unbelievable and I was even slightly jealous of the plastic surgery.... albeit it was extreme (point in case the tiniest nose known to man.... since the passing of MJ at least- sorry for you fans out there, don't mean to be derogatory but I think it's a pretty indisputeable fact). I was also pretty amazed by the fact that she managed to maintain that hot little bod through such grueling and intense drinking sessions. Actually amazed is an understatement I was jealous and totally confused. However, this weekend she was launching her perfume in Miami and I have to say the bod has taken a beating and the surgery is not looking as good. Case in point... compare the photos behind here with the woman standing in front. She has definitely gone a bit downhill (although will admit the stomach is looking pretty flat). Going to make the HUGE leap and say that maybe this represents a generally trend in weight gain which I also represent....

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