Saturday, June 25, 2011

Ally Hilfiger: Street Style

After my previous post on Dee Ocleppo I thought it was fitting to discuss the style of another great scion of preppiness from the Hilfiger clan- Ally Hilfiger. Born in 1985 (score! I still have time to catch up!) she  is a socialite, model, stylist, film and television produced and (my personal favorite time reality star. 

You might (although you probably don't!) remember that Ally Hilfiger and her friend Jamie Gleicher starred in the MTV reality show (aptly titled) 'Rich Girls'. One of the first reality shows to simply follow someone around during their day to day life. The show ended because Ally entered rehab. The reason for her admission was not discussed however it has been reported that it was simply due to the stress of being rich and famous. As you can see from this clip from the show (I apologize for the poor quality) being privileged was certainly incredibly stressful for Ally.... simple tasks such as making nachos (and particularly the presence of cilantro) are overwhelming and can actually move you to tears when you are incompetent at life's daily activities...

Perhaps Ally's most important contribution to the reality genre however was the invention of the reality friend breakup. That's right! Before there was Paris and Nicole or Lauren and Heidi (or the many other combinations of friendship breakdowns that resulted from The Hills) there was Jamie and Ally- the first reality show friendship meltdown.

Despite all of these FAB reasons to be intrigued by these diminutive cilantro hating heiress the thing I find most interesting about her is her style. She has definitely taken the Hilfiger aesthetic and made it a little more rock and rock without losing it's core foundation- color, great tailoring, a bit of geek chic and fresh faced all American beauty. I think she walks the delicate tightrope between looking like a poster child for prep and the typical grungy heiress/ model (although I will say she has been dangerously veering to this side of late) very well while still incorporating elements from both. I particularly enjoy her love of thick rimmed glasses and bright accents. Check it all out below.

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