Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Caught: Kim Zolciak trying to eat her newborn

Firstly..... let's just discuss the name.... Kroy Jagger.

Sooooooo..... Mick Jagger I'm sorry this must be painful and I feel for you.

Secondly KROY! It reminds me of some kind of fish. I'm thinking Carp but not. It's just.... not good.

Now I love babies and this is one f*ing cute baby but when you're a chain smoking, pussy licking, wig wearing, husband stealing, terrible single making, vile piece of Southern trash (aka. Kim Zolciak) you have got to give your kid a chance..... Naming the kid Kroy does not a chance make.

Now secondly.... the photo. She legit looks like she is going to smash this baby like a McDonalds happy meal and I'm frightened. I just picture her face (cigarette on lips) with the body of a hamster trying to eat her young and I'm terrified. I'm terrified because this is one cute baby and it shouldn't be looked at like a five ounce burger..... nor should it be named KROY Jagger....

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