Saturday, June 25, 2011


So I am having SUCH hair boredom at the moment- it is brutal. I love my color, I love the cut (although won't lie wouldn't mind if it was a few inches longer!) but the way I'm styling it is just boring me to tears. I need big hair and I have just been too lazy to do it. So lazy in fact that I actually booked a blow dry for the day I leave for England so that I wouldn't have to do it myself upon my arrival.... I know SAD. I then considered that perhaps a plane ride wouldn't do even a great blow dry wonders so I set out to see if London had an equivalent of the Blo bars we have in North America. Now if you haven't been before- they are f*ing awesome and you have GOT to try it out. It takes 40 minutes max and for $50 you will legitimately receive the best blow dry of your life (I know I am promising a lot- but honestly, you will not be disappointed). If you haven't been then you need to check out their page here and set up a time to try, you will be in love.

Anyways... so I went to work looking for a suitable alternative in London and not only did I find one (and cheaper too! honestly who ever thinks London is expensive has clearly never lived in Toronto!) which I cannot WAIT to go to but it also had some GREAT styling tips which I cannot wait to try out. Check out their page here for tips and information. It's called Hershesons and they are honestly pretty much my new favorite blow dry location/ hair tip supplier and I have yet to go!

Yet another reason to look forward to moving to London....

Until then I will be experimenting with some big Brigitte Bardot hair myself.

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