Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rip out my eyes now please!

So I got a shock today when I checked out the news and discovered that Amy Childs had a photo shoot today (alright not shocking BUT...) FOR VOGUE.... yes you heard me right Amy Childs today was papped shooting an editorial for British Vogue..... and yes one more time to be clear AMY CHILDS IS SHOOTING AN EDITORIAL FOR BRITISH VOGUE (not Zoo, not FHM, not Idiots/ Slappers and Simpletons International..... British Vogue).

Now I have nothing against Amy Childs.... I derive humor from her stupidity and she profits from that transaction. She's probably a very nice girl and I will say that of all the Essex girls I think she actually has the best style (perhaps not saying much but a compliment nonetheless). What I have a problem with is her being in British Vogue, or more particularly British Vogue for asking her (I don't blame her for accepting). The girl has all the class as well..... a girl from Essex, all the style of.... a girl from Essex and the intellect of a dung beetle. If you haven't had the opportunity to witness the wonder that is Amy Childs... check out her appearance (with the rest of the cast- she's the one with flaming red hair. Thing of Jessica Rabbit.... but less attractive and not a cartoon) on Chatty Man below.

Why I am disappointed is that British Vogue is one of my top three publications (along with Tatler and 10). I FAR prefer it to American Vogue primarily because of the diversity of the writing. Their articles are always insightful and well written. To boot I love their editorials.... what I will NOT love is opening the pages to see this....

I can only imagine that their circulation must be massively down if they are trying to attract readers with Amy Childs.... well that or they're making a conscious effort to lose current readers...

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