Friday, June 24, 2011

Rodarte at Pitti W

Rodarte unveiled their couture installation at Pitti W on the 16th of this month, a collection of ten ethereal dresses in a variety of colors and fabrics. 

The dresses are suspended in midair in the empty rooms of an unused building and are illuminated by neon light installations.

Although the exhibition is awe inspiring (I found the image below particularly awe inspiring. The dresses created a vision in my mind of what the characters in Downton Abbey would wear if they were forever at tea in a Rococco painting) what I found most interesting was that the Mullveany sisters stated that their inspiration was Italian artworks (particularly Fra Angelico's frescoes from the Convent of San Marco and Bernini's The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa- my FAVORITE painting). 

If you can't make it over to Florence for the exhibit then have no fear, after the installation the dresses will be donated to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (.... raise your hand if you're surprised to hear that there is any 'culture' in L.A.).

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