Thursday, June 30, 2011

Made in Chelsea Finale!

I decided to post some photos of the 'Made in Chelsea' finale party in honor of the fact that I am watching the season finale of 'Made in Chelsea' as I type. I also thought that I would take this opportunity to grace you with a few choice thoughts as the episode goes down...

- ADORE Hugo, I actually find him incredibly personable and have decided that I find him rather attractive and I just LOVE LOVE LOVE how attached he and Millie are. He ALWAYS has his arm around her and I find it SO cute (I also think that she's looking AMAZING- remains my fav, undoubtedly).
- the fact that Spencer carries TWO pocket squares at all time actually increases my estimation of him.... his taste in women however serves to temper that slight increase. What is with his infatuation with (a) very foreign looking women (b) dull and distinctly average girls (*cough* Caggie...)
- cringeworthy dating behavior on behalf of Ollie (although I adore the fact that he uses 'Will and Grace' as his gay dating handbook). I thought that admitting to painting on abs with eyeshadow, carrying eyelash curlers and plying on fake tan in public would be his low point BUT even he surprised me with his horrible chat on his date. Note to self- things to avoid discussing/doing on a date: discussing the film Caspar AND it's score, humming, asking how your date's wee was (SUPER cringe)
- Mark Francis tries SO hard to be posh that it actually looks painful.
- Francis: just a disaster. If you're so naff that you need a life coach being naff IN FRONT of your life coach ON CAMERA does not ameliorate the situation. How did someone with such poor conversation
 and social skills end up on tv? I pray that he is cut next season. He is undoubtedly the weak link.
- can't BELIEVE that Agne agreed to go out with Francis.... has she no self respect?! Oh wait... she doesn't we already knew it but at least it's been confirmed now! I didn't think she could fall any lower from when he said that he didn't think she was cheap but implied that she was a whore BUT now she has. Great going girl...... 
- I hope British men are listening to Cheska and her words of wisdom, women DO like being dominated every once and awhile.

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