Saturday, June 4, 2011

Erin Wasson's Apartment, courtesy of The Selby

 I adore the school refrigerator. Shows the complete unimportance of the kitchen. One day I aspire to have a kitchen consisting of a bar fridge, a toaster oven, a hot plate and an oven used as a shoe rack. 
 To children... please don't do this at home. A scarf over a lamp is considered a fire hazard.... unless you're Erin Wasson and then it's hardcore.
 Hardcore like playing with a baseball bat in bed. Is anyone else surprised that her sheets are silk? I kind of anticipated that she would sleep on raw wheat. Because she's Erin Wasson and she's... hard.core.
 What do you bet that those hooks are actually large nails? Erin Wasson doesn't use hooks. Because she's hard.core. Nor does she use shoe racks... because she's hard.core. And clearly despite being a Victoria Secret model and a successful business woman... she's too hard core to get a personal organizer.
 ... or to hire a personal assistant to untangle her cords... or to hide her power bar. 
 She is also far too cool for matching chairs. True story.
 I'm not going to lie. I treasure that she exists in such a state of (semi) organized chaos BUT personally I would have a mental breakdown if I had to spend ten minutes in that apartment/ on a second note. When friends come over how do they decide where to sit.... I would be pissssssed if I got shunted off to the wooden bar stool in the middle... or perhaps if I got stuck with the yellow chair (I'm pretty sure... as I am not built with super model proportions) I would require a phone book to eat my dinner.
 Even her records are rebellious. That's right. They live OUTSIDE of the box. True story.
 hmmm... the yellow chairs rock out AGAIN. Making their total number come to four. Who things that she just jacked her computer chair and her kitchen bar stool simply to blow the minds of us organized folks. Anyways Ms. Wasson congratulations, you have succeeded- my mind was successfully blown. On another note... who thinks her apartment resembles that of a twenty three year old latino marijuana dealer?
 Maybe she is a secret genius. Those eyes do look devious. Maybe she's just saving money on furniture and real estate for the purpose of investment because let's face it... who notices the furniture when she's on it. 
 And of course, not shoes allowed.
 No shoes may be allowed but scratchy sofas and mouse masks are necessary.
 I feel like this table is totally incomplete without a crap load of weed on it. A massive grinder (where is the grinder?!) and a few lines... just for good measure. And maybe some peyote. Because she's Erin Wasson and she's hard.core. True story. 

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