Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lauren Santo Domingo's Sweet New York Digs AND why you should care about her

So I'm having a bit of a love affair (one sided and non sexual of course- the marking characteristic of my general love life to be fair) with Lauren Santo Domingo. So yes she's beautiful and clearly wealthy you say but why should you care about her this Greenwich Connecticut beauty? 


Lauren Santo Domingo is the daughter of Ronald David (the former Poland Springs executive, ergo her nigh name- the 'Poland Spring heriess'). She grew up in Connecticut, attending the Kent School, and then attended the University of Southern California. All of this of course has the makings for many a New York socialite but then she married into an UBER fancy families.... the Santo Domingos. To be precise, she married Andres Santo Domingo, the Colombian beer heir. The Santo Domingo's are well known for their palace in Cartega, their private island off the coast of Columbia and of course their extrordinary wealth (Andres' father, Julio Mario Santo Domingo, is estimated by Forbes to be worth $6 billion). 

Why you should give a fuck about her

1. She's fucking gorgeous
2. She's uber wealthy (she and Andres reside in an $18.5 million, 8800 square foot Gramercy Park South townhouse- check it out below!).
3. She's a contributing editor for U.S. Vogue
4. She's involved with any and every high profile chairty event (ie. New Yorkers for Children)
5. She is on the committee for the Met Costume Institute Gala
6. EVERYONE wants to dress her (she's married to a billionaire... works at Vogue and f*ing gorgeous... not really a total shock).
7. Her wedding in Cartega (despite the nine hour flight and oppressive heat) was a veritable who's who of Manhattan social life. Her nine bridesmaids (each outfitted in pastels by different deisgners) included Fabiola Beracasa and Tinsley Mortimer PLUS every Bush, Hearst, Trump, Al Fayed and Missoni that should be found was present. 
8. She is the aunt (by marriage) of Tatiana Santo Domingo who is dating Andrea Casiraghi, second in line to the throne of Monaco.
9. She's BFFs with designers such as Oliver Theyskens and Alexander Wang.
10. She gets first dibs on clothes BEFORE celebrities. Remember the Nina Ricci dress that Sarah Jessica Parker worse to the premiere of the Sex and the City Movie (pretty unforgettable dress and the first of the series), well Lauren wore the same dress earlier that month. Burn!

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