Sunday, June 5, 2011

Minka Kelly vs. Leighton Meester: Round Two

I feel like I should have titled this post the awkwardness because that's honestly what these photos are ALL about. You'd think after shooting a movie together these two would at least be able to photograph without looking like one of them was about to hurl on the other; however, it would seem that, that is not the case. Observe the putrid disgust. I have to say  from these photos Minka Kelly does looking pretty f*ing annoying, plus let's face it- Leighton is adorable, she can sing AND move her forehead- WINNER! (and not in the Charlie Sheen sense).

I also feel some irony that this is probably my meanest entry yet and my blog is titled "how to be lovely"... I know there's nothing nice about mocking people who can't move their face. Okay, okay- sorry. I know there's nothing nice about making fun of people that you don't know BUT there's something about her (pretty much her face) that I don't like. And I feel the need to express that. Don't judge.... fine, judge!

I thought I'd start off with this one as it appears that they can actually tolerate being near each other in this one and Minka doesn't overly resemble a wax figure (a pretty amazing feat for her)
 And the wax figure emerges... honestly you could tell me that Leighton was standing next to a wax figure at Madame Tussaud's and I would have totally believed you. I think Leighton would have as well because she looks fairly surprised in later photos that Minka can move.
 Does anyone else think that Derek Jeter just imbued a wax doll with loads of spunk and now it can move?.... slightly. Honestly check out that forehead NO range of motion. I'd say that would be a bit of a occupational hazard being an actress buuuuuut she's not really an actress is she. Let's be honest.
 I like this one. The blur makes it look like the wax might be slightly melting.
 Oh my goodness! It can talk
 Kay, probably one of the most awkward photo call photos EVER. Firstly, Minka- what's with the leg?! We get that you can move but unless you're Jessica Rabbit or a thirteen year old girl smooching George Clooney (or a more age appropriate option).... I hiked leg is just too corny for words... and it's kind of just super weird when it's occurring as a result of touching/ holding someone who distinctly appears to want to get away from you STAT. Secondly, she looks like she's gripping onto Leighton for dear life- probably because she senses she wants to escape.
Oh wow, Minka you've topped the previous one. You're right. Blake did want to escape.... so you decided you would try to kiss her (little word to the wise, kiss THEN leg pop- but we'll cut you some slack because you are a wax work come to life and that alone is admirable). Blake's entire body language is just fantastic. There's not one bone in her tiny body that's not trying to get as far away from Minka as humanly possible. Note, I have not seen the roomate but I do understand the irony that in the film Leighton's character is obsessed with Mika's character... while in real life Minka seems to be obsessed with Leighton... only to be horribly spurned in front of millions. Amazing.

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