Monday, June 20, 2011

THE most disgusting sandwich EVER.

£1 and 430 calories.

So I love strawberries and I love clotted cream BUT the one thing I have never thought about adding to that perfect little equation is bread.... because it doesn't fucking go. Neither have I ever considered eating all these three things TOGETHER in some sort of sacrilegious food threesome of moral depravity.

I'm willing to say that this sandwich is the BEST example as to why people today are fat. How lazy do you have to be to WANT put strawberries and cream in white bread. Are they two foods that are necessary to eat on the go.

The person who invented this should be ashamed. Ashamed. (however I will say his shame -and it is great- is mitigated by the fact that apparently there's a market for this... or presumably tescos wouldn't be stocking it....).

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