Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mutton dressed as lamb: the Tamara Beckwith edition

The woman is forty one..... yes forty one. Enough said. This is not appropriate.

I'm not saying she's not in good shape..... she is, for forty one. See there's a caveat there. But regardless of the caveat:

 (1) she wore this to dinner- nobody should go to dinner in a see through dress- standard. I mean toss good old fashioned shame to one side and let's just consider the other eaters. Not everyone wants to see your body- particularly over food (food which they are paying for the privilege of eating may I add!). Resultantly.... cover that shit up. If someone wants to see your body then by all means show them. Goodness you can walk around with a sign strapped to your torso that says as much, I don't mind but in the name of everything that is holy you CAN NOT just presume we all consent to be visually assaulted by your semi naked form... PARTICULARLY OVER FOOD! Not only is that assumption incorrect but its selfish, deluded and inconsiderate. Ergo I am not just making the point in this post that Tamara is not in the kind of shape to be wearing a dress like that (*cough* fat) but that she's also an objectively terrible person..... let's get to the fat bit now...

 (2: aka. the fat bit) she's in good shape.... FOR HER AGE. When someone says that it does not mean that you are objectively in good shape but rather that you are in 'subjectively' good shape. Resultantly what the source of this 'compliment' is telling you is that you have met a lower bar (if they are actually telling you the truth. If not then they have lowered the bar only to allow you to miss it.... again), a lower set of standards if you will. I won't lie, Tamara isn't in bad shape. Have I seen 41 years olds who are worse off- yes. Have I seen those forty one year olds in see through dresses (I'm not even considering the exigent circumstances re. the time of day and location)- NO. Do I know forty one year olds in better shape, yes- have I seen them in sheer dresses no. Resultantly the shape of her body is extensively rendered moot. The woman should simply not be wearing this dress (and just to make the point I do think her legs are porky- true story).

Conclusion: please take this off and put something else on. 
You've been a naughty tubster and you should be punished accordingly.

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