Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Puppy love

So I have bee waiting to blog about Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber for some time. A delay which has been primarily caused by the fact that I am a 24 year old who really doesn't place much importance on either of them. What got my attention a few days ago was this photo:

A seemingly innocuous photo at first glance but really rather insidious at the core. Here the two stars are pictured cuddeling at an ice hockey match in Winnipeg, in a private suite at the MTS Centre..... now the idea of any 19 and 17 year old (Selena being the former and Justin the latter) hiring out a private suite... even if it is to a Winnipeg Jets game (and lets be honest who really wants to see that) leaves a pretty foul taste in my mouth. Secondly, I take issue with the fact that they are BOTH wearing Jets jerseys.... surely Bieber would be a Toronto Maple Leafs fan, hailing- as he does- from London and Stratford Ontario. Thirdly, no straight man EVER shows this much pda at a hockey game. I realize that Justin is a singer AND dancer however like any good Canadian boy I would hope that he would be aware that the nicest thing you to for your girlfriend at a hockey game is (a) take her there (b) ignore her for the night in favor of talking to your friends, and (c) potentially spill beer on her and then swear loudly over the fact that you are now in possession of less beer. The bottom line being however that as strongly as I felt about the issue I didn't really care about either of these 'celebrities' (I use quotes to connote the fact that I do realize these are subjectively bona fide celebrities..... to anyone under the age of 21 and two a select few above it, and probably objectively as well- I do realize that these are very popular individuals... I just don't really care) enough to blog about it. Until I saw this picture....

Yes, that's right- Selena and Justin are now the proud owners of a dog named Baylor who they are believes to have adopted from an animal rescue centre in Winnipeg last Friday. I think it is a phenomenal thing that they visited the shelter and raised awareness on the light of many canines in Canada; however, I think it is unfortunate that they chose to show their support by adopting a pet )particularly as they adopted it together). Owning a dog is not a decision to be taken lightly as the attendant responsibilities are many. It is true that Selena and Justin are lucky to travel with an entourage of people who can assume responsibility for the dog when they are performing, working out, getting their hair and makeup done, practicing.... playing basketball with Usher (whatever plethora of things these young celebrities do) however dogs need one primary owner one alpha dog and I pity this dog because although he will live in luxury it is unlikely that he will be brought up in a stable home with one designated alpha dog to lead him. In fact his home has already been far from stable with Selena immediately taking him with her from Winnipeg to London. It is incredibly selfish to think that dogs want to spend their time flying from city to city. They are not there simply to please their owners and have their own deserved, needs and wants. Most importantly however a puppy is not just for tour- it's for life. 

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