Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pippa's FANTASTIC week of fashion continues (.... and I can hardly believe the words as I type them)

So Pippa Middleton is just FULL of surprises this week! Tonight she turned up at the 'Two Many Women' campaign wearing a full length silk dress. That's right: neither her back, boobs or legs were on show AND her hair was up.... the armageddon must be quickly approaching. 

Not only was I pleasantly surprised at the stylistic choice (albeit the cut wasn't perhaps as flattering as it could have been- I'm not in love with the waist line and the sleeves looked ever so slightly long) but I absolutely LOVED her hair up (excited about seeing a photo of it from the back!). She should do it far more often. Plus, the makeup- different and lovely- particularly the eyes..... bar the eyebrows which could have done with a good clean up (she could do with taking a few tips from Kate on how to do a perfect eyebrow).

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