Friday, October 14, 2011

Purple is the word

So I am not usually a fan of Michelle Obama.... her arms... her style... however I will willingly admit that every so often she hits it out of the park and I always love documenting those moments.... This is one of those moments. I am not sure who designed the dress and whether the belt comes with it (if it doesn't then that was a fantastic stylish choice because in all honesty the belt adds the glamor and excitement to this fabulous dress) but I am loving it. The cut is perfect for her, the color is just magical (I'm hoping that purple sightings like this might extend its favored run into 2014, fingers crossed...) and she looks radiant (albeit I would have liked her to wear a closed toe shoe (I don't a sandal is appropriate for an official dinner, I definitely don't think it's appropriate in October and from a style perspective I would have liked if they either matched her belt or cuff rather than being black- they almost ruin it for me, I won't lie. Once you notice them it's incredibly irritating.)

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