Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What do Nigeria and Vogue Hommes International have in common? : Nausea and heat primarily.

So as I may (or may not) have mentioned I am in Nigeria for the next four weeks, specifically Lagos. This is my second time here in the last two months and I have to say I am pretty much in love with this country. I have so much to say about it and when I find the words to properly convey just how magical it is there will be an entry fully dedicated to it (albeit I know it's not going to be about fashion BUT I'm thinking perhaps I should challenge myself and start making this blog slightly more personal- let me know what you think). At the moment though I am feeling that way you can ever really feel in a truly hot country.... essentially like you had a few two many glasses of Pinot, smoked a spliff and then lay in a steam room for a few minutes. Hot, light headed and dis- orientated. Arguably the latter feeling is likely a result of malaria- or more specifically having been given anti malarial pills in the pharmacy rather than malaria pills. The results being an emotional roller coaster, fucked up dreams, hallucinations and a generally sense of malaise. 

For some reason this editorial seemed to me to fit perfectly with my mood. The pepto colored clothing reminded me of the slight nausea that is currently plaguing me (in conjunction with a fabulous case of traveller's diarrhea- totally my fault. I am far too stupid to remember to consecutively use bottled water to brush my teeth- in conjunction with the fact that I've convinced myself that my exposure to 'beaver fever' through drinking Canadian lake water has likely made me immune to any water borne viruses...... did I mention that I was an idiot?), the heat seems to radiate off the page and the man is just pure and simple hot.

Anyways enough rambling this is 'Rose Foundre' which was published in Vogue Hommes International and was shot by Cedric Bouchet and features Ben Hill, enjoy!

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