Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lauren Goodger- the transformation (and not in a good way)

So lately I have been totally unclear as to Lauren Goodger's motivations re her dress sense.... other than making me feel sicker than the malaria pills are making me (have I mentioned the epic hallucinations? Last night I dreamt that I had to have my lower leg amputated due to mosquito bites and when asking the doctor why I had to have this done he asked me if I had been drinking a lot of juice, wearing perfume and if my boyfriend hated me- at which point I - still asleep at that point- asked my boyfriend aloud 'the doctor wants to know if you hate me', suffice to say he pretty much thought I'd lost it until he remembered I was on loopy pills.... anyways I digress, back to Lauren the Great.... and my great I am referring to body mass, clearly). However after looking at the stills from last night's 'The Only Way Is Essex' it has become clear. She is trying to morph herself into a larger version of Lauren Pope and it's pretty frightening. If I was Lauren Pope I would run for the hills, who knows how many episodes it will be until Lauren seeks to abate her hunger (and obsession) by actually eating Popey. Run Popey run!

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