Tuesday, October 25, 2011


So usually Gossip Girl style is like my dream of dreams. It almost never ceases to make my day..... I say almost because today it did.... because today I saw this photo of Leighton Meester filming in Manhattan and I was suitably appalled. Apparently Eric Damon (Gossip Girl stylist and my own personal obsession) took some major inspiration from Violet Beauregard, hopefully some of you will remember her as the little brat in Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory who blows too much bubble gum and turns into a large bubble herself (for those who don't I have included a helpful diagram - thanks to google- below). I don't know what is going on with Blair at the moment (thanks to horrible Nigerian internet I am unable to favorite my favorite gang, since the Hardy Boys' exploits, until I return at the end of November. Can you say Gossip Girl marathon much?!) I am guessing her story line must continue to spell trouble.... why else would she EVER wear this?!

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