Thursday, October 27, 2011

(In the tune of Eminem's 2000 hit, 'The Real Slim Shady'...) Will the real Pippa Middleton please stand up, please stand up?!

Just to remind you all what Pippa Middleton looks like.... in case you got scared your recollection was totally wrong here she is yesterday pictured strolling through Chelsea with a friend. I have to say I am still on the Pippa love train. I'm loving this whole new fascination with scarves and that coat is just purely divine. I love the color, the cut- I want it and I think this is the first thing (bar the white crochet dress she wore to Queen's tennis this summer, which she later wore in black- or was it the other way round?) she's worn that I would buy instantly if I knew where it came from, and that goes with the scarf too. It's so nice to see her playing with proportions, rather than just going with her usual figure hugging look, to see her moving away from flats and most importantly to see her playing with color. She's still rocking the usual black but she's made it exciting. 

And just found! Here we have Pippa on her way to work this morning. Again rocking a major blue accent. Have to say I give her props for mixing up the sunglasses (they are getting progressively cooler by the day) and the color but the sheer black tights NEED to be replaced by opaque ones and the blazer, for me, is too shiny for day wear. I think the look would have been saved had there been a knee length coat over it... and maybe scarf (bring back the scarf Pippa!) or maybe if the dress had been a top and there had been some kind of matching trouser/ legging. Still though I am so happy to see her mixing it up and am unwilling to see this as a negative blip on her fashion scale.

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