Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Financially and physically ill

So today I have some kind of horrible cold/ flu hybrid and I am feeling AWFUL. The awfulness is likely compounded by the fact that I am currently unemployed and staring at a dismal career future. Apparently I am either too qualified or I am far underqualified... I would LOVE if someone would tell me what I am actually qualified for. Because apparently I have no idea and the recruiters certainly don't. Add to this that I had a fabulous job interview today, which I was TOTALLY psyched for. I mean when I say it went well, I'm not lying. Loved the company, the people in the office, found the job description really interesting AND got offered the job in the interview with a Monday start date (considering my current financial woes.... a MASSIVE bonus). However I just got an e-mail reiterating the job offer but also lowering my starting salary by £4,000..... not a small amount, particularly considering that the original starting salary was £22,000. I realize that that's not unsubstantial (arguably those reading this in North America might be ever so slightly shocked, but apparently although London is pretty expensive to live in that doesn't mean that you need any money to live there- apparently employers believe we all exist via some magical tree). So I am left in limbo. Fingers crossed they will raise my salary HOWEVER if not I may have to start a new blog entitled: how does a little rich girl exist on less than £450 pounds a month (after rent). I warn you it might be slightly depressing. However if I start hallucinating over Jimmy Choos (I must admit my £650 biker boots currently residing on my feet feel slightly excessive at this moment).... don't be surprised.

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