Friday, October 7, 2011

Roxanne Mesquida, Beatrice Grimaldi and the new season of Gossip Girl

So I don't know if any of you are as obsessed with Gossip Girl's new season as I am but I am luuuuuurving it. Blair's new wavy hair AND lest we forget the fact that she's pregnant (could it make me any more broody.... how I dream of expecting in Stella McCartney), Serena's improved style and shape, Chuck's self destruction reaching new levels and the AMAZING Elizabeth Hurley.  OH! and lest we forget the fact that the show's two most annoying characters have yet to make an appearance (score!), let's just say that I am not shedding any tears for the departure of Jenny or Vanessa. But another thing I am loving about this season.... I am a HUGE fan of Roxanne Mesquida as well. The new addition to the cast playing Beatrice Grimaldi to PERFECTION. I have to say a lot of the guest stars drive me too distraction. You know they are going to cause nothing but trouble BUT Beatrice, for some reason I am excited for that trouble. Perhaps because I hope that her style will mirror that of Charlotte. Until we see more of Beatrice's style however let's check out Roxanne's as she rocks about Paris, Milan and new York fashion week.

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