Monday, May 23, 2011

The Elle Chronicles, Episode Two: Elle Macpherson, the gym style edition

Elle Macpherson is my inspiration. I won't lie I have a HUGE girl crush on her because I hope to goodness that I have the good fortune to look like her when I'm older. The woman is FOURTY EIGHT, that's right you heard me FOURTY friggin EIGHT years old (48!) and she looks amazing. I would absolutely to die to look like her today, let alone 25 years from now.

So I've decided to write a few blogs for this miraculous woman because with every single photo of her I become more and more astounded and enamored with her. She's a great mother, a fabulous businessman AND did you know that she's legally educated (that's right! you know how I ♡ when my girl crushes strike similarities with me, that's just how I role). 

Important for this entry though is that unlike so many women she has earned her body through hard work and this dedication is clearly visible through her almost daily workouts. Her dedication to sport is matched only by her dedication to fashion, as even when she is heading to he gym she ALWAYS looks put together. This blog entry is a tribute to these dedications.

It is important to note that the majority of these photos are taken during her school run. Showing her ability to juggle multiple roles and responsibilities while appearing outwardly to have it altogether. 

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