Friday, May 27, 2011

Michelle Obama draped in diamonds.

Alright so I know a lot of people might hate me for this but I'm going to be brutally honest here. I am not a fan of Michelle Obama's style. I know this is a minority view here in North America but it's just my opinion. I don't love her choices, the colors, the cuts, the patters and I don't think she's very attractive. Even the arms fail to impress me. 

This however is the first photo of her that I really have liked. The jewelry (reputedly from her own collection) is just gorgeous. The neckline of the dress- perfection. The cocktail ring, well I'm not sure why it was  included as it doesn't really match but it's cute. She could have upped her game a bit by matching it with the earrings. Nevertheless this is a big win for her and I feel like, considering my general view, that means even more coming from me. 

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