Sunday, May 22, 2011

Cheryl's gotten tubbers! The Daily Mail agrees with me!!!

So today the Daily Mail published photos of Cheryl today which were taken on Saturday upon her arrival at Chicago airport for further U.S. X Factor auditions.

The article (which can be found here ) notes that Cheryl has put on a considerable amount of weight since her arrival in the U.S. Apparently the X Factor executives have already addressed the issue and she has been hooked up with Tracy Anderton (the personal trainer to Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston and Madonna) and a stylist, a result of her recent style flops (even Paula Abdul has managed to out style her in the fashion stakes).

Her weight had previously plummeted to around 6 stone last year after her battle with maria; therefore, to some extent the gain is most definitely required.... although even the most ardent fan would have to say its getting slightly excessive at this point.

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