Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lindsay Lohan 'successfully' completes a photo shoot for her latest 'in progress' project: her new escort ad. A girl's gots ta get her crack somehow.

So yesterday I watched Labor Day, as I told you, 'starring' Lindsay Lohan (I don't know if it fair to use the term 'star' as it was really purely a vehicle for her *note* few non dramatic films actually require an actress to actively stuff a pillow up her shirt to avoid looking like a crack whore- true story) and it would seem like just like the topicality of the rhinoplasty this weekend Lindsay Lohan has been another hot topic.

So for anyone who has been away from planet earth for the last few months Lindsay Lohan has been dealing with numerous issues including: mental issues, alcohol related issues, drug related issues, familial issues, changes in sexuality (from straight, to lesbian to bi as of late), debt issues and penal issues (from allegations of assault to allegations of theft). 

It would seem from the release of these photos today that despite her 'best' efforts to err on the side of safety  she still has managed to fail when it comes to the simple task of putting on a bra; although she seems to have succeeded when it comes to plumping up her lips EVEN more than they already were.

See below, the girl looks she's three steps away from being on the flier of a black market brothel. 

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