Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Be Still My Beating Heart: Kate Middleton performs her first royal duty TODAY!

Today Prince William and the ♥ of my life (aka. Kate/ Catherine Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge) welcomed Barack and Michelle Obama to Buckingham Palace, in a a ten minute private meeting between the two couples. Representing, their first official duty as a royal couple and only the third state visit by a U.S. president to the U.K. in 100 years. 

The royal couple were fresh from their Seychelles honeymoon. Apparently the (very well tanned) Duchess performed her duties very well. Regardless, commentators immediately picked up on her incredibly slim figure. In one of my prior posts about Kate 'the great!' I mused over the question of whether the weight lose was strictly for the purposes of looking fabulous in that dress or whether she would keep it up upon her return for her honeymoon. I hadn't even considered the prospect of her losing further weight, which the pictures clearly illustrate as having happened. As much as I ♥ a good skinny minny I can't deny that Kate Middleton's current weight loss is worrisome. It is totally out of character. Her weight has NEVER plummeted this low, even during her last great weight loss (when she and Wills split for several months in 2007) and despite her lifelong commitment to athletics and health. It was said that the Royal family would be providing her with psychiatric support and counseling to aid in her change in position and to help her cope, also hopefully avoiding her from falling into the problems that befell Diana after her wedding (reportedly bulimia, self harm and depression). It is worrying that she is already following in Diana's footsteps when it comes to the extreme loss of weight immediately before the wedding and continuing after. For the sake of the monarchy, for the benefit of this young and lovely girl and for the sake of girl's everywhere who dream of becoming a princess we should hope that she (and those  around her) begins to take better care of her body. 

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