Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sasha Pivovarova: Street Style Edition

Welcome to ANOTHER edition of street style this time featuring another one of my obsessions du jour: Sasha Pivovarova. Sasha is a Russian model best known for her work with Prada (a consecutive six season run).

Check out this interview to learn a bit more about this charming girl.
HOWEVER beyond her great looks and super endearing personality why do I adore her you may ask, well here are my 3 reasons:

Three reasons to Sascha Pivovarova

(1) Her ethereal face. When I see her on the catwalk her features seem so prominent, so chiseled that I can't imagine her looking any other way than she does then BUT when you look at her editorial work- well the woman is a chameleon. She is able to soften her features to the point that she can create an abundance of characters and images which I hardly relatable to her every day appearance. 
- the most shocking and true example of this is her work with Longchamp. There is something very Kate Moss about her upper face; however, in the ads she softens the features her lower face to the point that they appear realistically to be sisters while still maintaing their individual appearance.
- view a video of the ad campaign below

(2) She is SMART! It is so nice to encounter a model that is more than street smart and Sascha is a refreshing change. She began modeling when a photographer friend (and future husband) sent some photos that he had taken of her to IMG. Until then she had been studying Art History at University. She is also incredibly artistic, enjoying to both paint and draw and her works have been published in Paris, New York and French Vogue. She is currently working, in conjunction with Prada to produce a book of her own artwork in the form of a scrap book. She is also illustrating a book based on Russian fairy tales for Karl Lagerfield. She also loves to read (a girl after my own heart!).

(3) Her style is DIFFERENT. Yes I love the street styles of a variety of different models BUT there is something particularly special about hers because she doesn't follow the rules. Her looks are very relaxed, eccentric, comfortable with a mix of chunky knits and cotton layers. They rarely incorporate any type of heel and the heel is more than usually scrapped back if viewable at all. Herein lies the biggest different from other models. She wears a lot of hats. A lot. And not big brimmed Bianca Jagger esque hats. We're talking 'hats' in the loosest of term, a term meant to connote head coverage at best because her 'hats' come in the manner of scarves, hoods, toques and shawls. Anything really and it's different and it's nice to see a beautiful girl doing different rather than pandering to what most of the blogs want to see: runway off the runway. 

Love this look, all the different shades and textures of black. 
Rarely see her with big hair, look hot!
Note she rarely carries any thing other than Chanel. 
Is that a t shirt on her head?
An example of her sketching while she waits to shoot- I wonder if she's sketching herself?
Man can she rock a hair scarf.
So angelic- anelina ballerina esque.
I think this is probably the most fitter jacket, and the highest pair of heels I've seen her strolling in.
So cute, love the flats and the nail polish.
Again such an unusual headscarf. The kind of thing only she could wear.
 Such a stunning photo. Her face in this shot reminds me so much of Ms. Moss.
 Unforgettable- even from amongst a crowd.
 Her style, particularly in this picture, reminds me very much of a ballet dancer between rehearsals. Lots of layers to keep warm.
 I love this outfit. All the different muted colors and shades but then with the bejewelled toque ad vibrant blue Chanel to shake things up a bit.
 Princess Leia style- how does she tie it like that?! Will wonders  never cease?
Adore the coat, too cool for school. 
 Maybe its the tights but the face is so gaunt yet the legs are a bit chunks. Is this why full body editorial shots are near impossible to find? Does the vixen have a flaw!
 Adore the necklace
 She even looks got with a pineapple on her head!
Such great textures here.

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