Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Carrie's Wedding Dress: consideration of a dead bird

So I was hoping that someone might be able to help me with this conundrum. The producers of Sex and the City saw Sarah Jessica Parker looking like this....

and the producers thought welllll that looked nice but this is the biggest moment in the Sex and the City franchise SO maybe we should scrape her hair back so the viewers can reeeeeeally see how old her face is, you know really make those wrinkles predominant. Let's bunch the veil up on top of that pineapple of hair on her head and then let's stick a dead bird on the side on a SUPER awkward angle just so everyone really takes note that it is indeed a dead bird. Is there anything else we can do OH! I got it lets make the bird blue just so it really sticks out, we don't want to risk the chance that that sucker will blend in at all. And why don't we let that bird be the only accessory, with the exception of the earrings, just so we make it even more prominent that it is indeed a dead bird... a dead BLUE bird... on her head and just so people make the observation that it's not like the bird was one of many accessories. It wasn't just a crazy Carrie moment where she was rummaging around for everything and anything she literally just went for the bird. 

Personally I think it looks horrible and I take great offense to the fact that whoever was responsible for that call not only ruined what would have made a beautiful fashion moment in the history of SATC but they also ruined a beautiful dress. If I was Vivienne Westwood I would be absolutely fuming somewhere as through poor accessorizing they turned something which could have been stunning into something that was so ghoulishly off the mark it was just sickening. 
.... I know my disdain is palpable. 

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