Monday, May 23, 2011

Johannes Huebl + Olivia Palermo

So Johannes Huebl and Olivia Palermo MIGHT just be my favorite celebrity couple, fashion wise. Honestly they make such a stylish duo I kind of go green with jealousy, I want one! Nobody ever told me that Ken dolls weren't just for kids. 

I picture them just fondling each other's closet contents which simultaneously self pleasuring, I know it's kind of gross but I just feel like somehow clothing would HAVE to be involved in any kind of sexual intimacy. Which is why I was slightly surprised that Johannes Huebl's appraisal of Olivia's style was so lack lustre. When asked whether he could name someone famous whose style he admired her responded that her "style is pretty good. She has an incredible eye and sense for fashion, women's only though." Regardless it was implicit in his response that he admired her style, he was probably simply down playing his admiration... those Germans do hate to give a compliment. 

 I could literally just eat them up- too f*ing cute for words!
 I ❤ ❤ this photo. The hair, the outfit, the ring, the legs! It's all so f*ing gorgeous and Johannes doesn't hurt things either.
 An entire outfit of stripes. Few could pull this look off but Parlermo, of course, looks effortlessly chic. 
 Another shot of the striped outfit. In this shot you can really see Johannes' complimenting striped shirt. Olivia's blazer is just stunning and the purse is adorable. I love that she didn't go too matchy matchy with the shoes as well. She could have gone with a nude to match the purse but instead she's gone with a gold metallic flat. Perfection!
 I love the fur scarf with the blazer, not to mention the cuffed suit pants. But honestly the scarf is every so slightly eccentric BUT it doesn't offend me. I feel like although it's slightly out of season, the black goes with Johnnes' outfit and the texture matches the dog's fur.

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