Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Princess Beatrice at the Chelsea Flower Show, a vision in Roland Mouret

It is too bad that the Chelsea Flower Show and Kate's first official duty (since becoming a royal) coincided as it would have been lovely to see this dress get a bit more press.

Today while Kate was doing her usual high street shtick in Reiss Princess Beatrice showed us how old school royalty rocks a frock.  As Lenny Cole said in RocknRolla "there's no school like the old school, and I'm the fucking headmaster." Well I doubt Princess Bea swears but that's certainly the attitude here as she pulls off this Roland Mouret dress. It is the kind of dress that would more likely be seen on Victoria Beckham, Carole Vorderman, Reese Witherspoon or Heidi Klum (or any number of celebrities who swear by Mr. Mouret's designs) than it would be on your average 22 year old (let alone a disciple of the high street) and the distinction between this dress and Kate's couldn't be more stark.

I don't mean to knock Kate's choice in frocks. You all know I ♥ her to bits BUT I can't deny I would really like to see her step it up. If she could just mix McQueen into her daily wardrobe, a pair of Jimmy Choos, a classic Mulberry Bayswater (I won't deny her loyalty to Prada rather bugs me)- goodness I would even settle for an Erdem blouse with a pair of MiH jeans. It's great that her wardrobe is accessible but I think every young girl would like if she mixed a bit of whimsy in there for however much she might tow the high street line, she will never again be a commoner and frankly her adherence to budget fashion is a bit of a slap in the face to those of us who would die to fly the flag for British designers (a breed arguably more in need of representation in this recession than the high street).  

I apologize for the rant! Goodness knows I still adore her I just had to get that out there but let's conclude on a good note. As I pay tribute once again to a fabulous dress AND a royal who heeds my advice.

As I'd like to briefly touch on the fact that pursuant to my last blog about Bea she is choosing another jewel tone. Congratulations! Way to follow my advice darling!

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