Saturday, June 4, 2011

Photos of Jayne Mansfield's Pink Palace.

So as some as you might know I ♥ pink. However, even this is too much for me. It kind of makes me feel slightly ill and provides me with the benefit of a mild headache and the distinct memory of pepto bismmal. However, I think it's an excellent example of how you can make a house yours- any house yours. And it doesn't matter how crazy those dreams are, you can  make it happen. There is no greater proof of that fact than this.

Remember this is just the tip of the iceberg. Like a baby piglet it's pink- inside AND out.
So I thought I'd start you all off easy. This being the ONLY room in the house that is not pink. Instead it's red.... ALL red, AND padded, AND quilted in some sort of shiny material. Is it pleather? Is it plastic? Who knows? It was the office of Jayne's husband Mickey Hartigay. Note the matching red outfits. Really adds an extra layer of class I think.
Kind of reminds me of a barbie dream home. Or maybe what I imagine the bedrooms of Hugh Hefner's girlfriends would have looked like in the seventies.
And again.... if Hugh Hefner had seven girlfriends in the seventies what their bathroom would have looked like. I would like to point out the level of commitment to the general theme. This room was totally done in pink shag and terry (I imagine it would have been a bitch to clean, probably why they didn't use it in the playboy mansion. It would have looked like hell after a mud fight hose down). I appreciate the commitment in making the bathtub pink which has got to be the least practical shape for a bathtub... unless you have a stump as a partner. And the chair. I have to say I am disappointed that they didn't go with a heart seat or back for the chair... but maybe that would have been 'too much'.... 
 I would have to say that my one aesthetic recommendation (if you were totally committed to this look) would be some wood trim around the mirrors, potentially in pink (of course). I think it looks slightly unfinished with the shag going right up to the mirror. Obviously the only tacky feature in the photo...
 For some reason this photo had a blue tint BUT do not despair apparently the rocks of the bbq were pink as well, as were the tiles.
 Pink satin curtails... got to  it.
 I have got to say I'm shocked that she went for black silk for the bedroom sheets. I would think that white or pink would have been the go to color but perhaps Mickey was allowed some input in this decision. Note that the phone is pink and it appears (from the shadows) that there are heart shaped windows in the room.
 I have to say the purple accents are a nice addition. As is what appears to be a close cousin of one of Liberace's pianos. Also note the monogram above the fireplace... in case you got confused as to whose house you were in..
 So I'm pretty sure that this must have been where Elton John and Liberace were both secretly reared. It's hard to imagine Mariska Hartigay's apartment or new nursery (she recently adopted) bearing any resemblance to this place but I have to say I go like the walls and some of the elements (bar the curtains of course). I think that the white shag rug was pretty daring but maybe they opted to do the changing elsewhere.
 A typical day in the Mansfield/ Hartigay home...
Alright so are the words 'I Love you Jayne' actually inscribed in the pool? I feel like they must be. I don't quite know how otherwise they could have formed them. I like it though they are being quite literal in the event that the double hearted pool, with hearts actually inside it left any confusion...

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