Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pippa Middleton is back to classic

Pippa Middleton was back to classic today on her way to work today but I have to say I'm a fan. I don't know if the outfit was just better than her usual or if the fact that she showed us some variety over the week has made her return to classic seem more fresh and different rather than more of the usual. I think it's the latter because it's not like this isn't the billionth time we've seen this leather jacket and those sunglasses. The dress though was great, particularly the detail at the hem, and the slightly higher hem. Business casual has clearly given away to business sexy. And you have to admire the lack of tights in this currently chilly London weather. 

I chose to include this picture (the one below) because although it doesn't show off the outfit to its fullest, it does show off the leg muscles she seems to have acquired over the summer.... and I have to say I think the thighs are slightly scary. I think she needs to spend more time toning and less time on the tread mill.

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